About Us

Allen and Zovi's AllenTeas is a homage to the past and a toast to the future. It is an invitation to pause, and indulge in the timeless elegance of Chinese tea. For us, tea is more than a beverage; it's a way of life. And through AllenTeas, we share this life with you, one cup at a time. Because, in the end, life truly is too short for bad tea.

The Founder's Tale: A Bond Over Tea

Allen Cheung and tea’s story begins in Shantou, South China, a coastal city known for its Gongfu tea drinking tradition. Allen studied in Hong Kong, while the vibrant culture of Hong Kong shaped his academic life, it was tea that shaped his destiny. Here, amidst the city's pulsating energy, Allen met Zovi(now his wife). Their shared passion for the intricate flavors of oolong tea, especially the revered Tieguanyin, brewed a partnership that would transcend beyond mere companionship – it was the seed that would eventually blossom into AllenTeas.

The Artisanal Craft: Traditional Tea Leaves from China to the World

Allen's tea journey is steeped in heritage. In his hometown of Shantou, his grandparents maintained a humble tea shop, renowned for their handcrafted teas. Their dedication to the craft and profound knowledge of tea's delicate nuances were imparted to Allen from a young age. This legacy of love and expertise became the cornerstone of AllenTeas, inspiring their mission to introduce the world to the finest Chinese tea and its health benefits, just as tea has journeyed from its Chinese origins to become a global staple.

The Philosophy: Sharing the Essence of Tea

AllenTeas is more than a brand; it's a philosophy that celebrates the art of tea drinking. Embracing the vision of bringing the best teas and brewing methods to aficionados worldwide, Allen and Zovi embarked on a quest to ensure that the health and wellness benefits of Chinese tea could be experienced by all. This commitment to excellence and authenticity reflects the same dedication to quality that defines AllenTeas, a relentless pursuit of the finest tea regions, and a drive to elevate the tea experience.

The Experience: Savoring the Craft

With AllenTeas, the Cheungs invite you to a sensory journey where each sip is a testament to tradition and craftsmanship. Like the devoted tea explorers before them, they traverse the lush tea mountains of China, forging relationships with farmers and selecting only the top-tier leaves. Their intimate understanding of tea's rich history allows them to curate a collection that embodies the soul of their heritage. They believe in the transformative power of a good brew – a belief that resonates with those who cherish the subtle dance of flavors and the harmony between the tea's natural bitterness and its aromatic richness.